Dymock Street


Project Details

Location: London

Project: Mixed use development providing 3 residential units and office space. 

Client: Plan Build Live

Consultants: AJT Design Consultants 

Contract Value: £750,000


Project Description

Originally a run down terraced house and carpet warehouse. Neu were appointed to redevelop the site and design a series of desirable residential units. Key to the development was achieving full residential permission on a site with partial business use in an area where loss of employment was against planning policy. 

Neu devised a successful planning strategy to obtain change of use from the part office and storage on the site to full residential, therefore maximising the return for the client. This process was staged to secure initial value in the property with low risk proposals and then revised to bank more value and obtain full residential permission. The high quality of design was one aspect of the development that helped achieve the permission. This approach was staged to fit within the overall project programme therefore no time was lost in the process. 

The existing terraced house was converted to 3 high quality two bedroom apartments, with a sympathetic extension to the roof to provide additional living space. The proposal also transformed the dilapidated warehouse to the rear of the site into a beautifully detailed contemporary 3 bedroom mews home. 

Clever design overcame tight planning restrictions regarding overlooking and Neu designed a bright interior with views between spaces compensating for the restricted outlook creating a homely introspective feel. A glazed void cuts through the centre of the building drawing light deep into the all parts of the plan and giving some glamour to the main entrance and circulation.